NewDem Chair Applauds Rebecca Cooke’s Addition to DCCC Red to Blue List and NewDems’ Work to Secure this Victory

 The NewDem Action Fund and New Dem Members and supporters contributed nearly $75K, and New Democratic Majority, a SuperPAC that Supports NewDems, invested over $150K to help Rebecca Cooke Win this Tough Primary 

Washington, D.C. — Today, New Democrat Coalition Action Fund Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement after New Dem Action Fund-endorsed candidate Rebecca Cooke (WI-03) was added to the DCCC’s Red to Blue list. The NewDem Action Fund and NewDem Members contributed nearly$75,000 and the New Democrat Majority – a SuperPAC that supports NewDem incumbents and candidates – invested over $150,000 to help Rebecca Cooke win her primary. 

“NewDems recognized the promise of Rebecca Cooke’s campaign. With her decisive win in a tough primary, she proved us right.

“Now, Cooke’s addition to the DCCC’s Red to Blue list is a welcome move that brings us one step closer to flipping this seat in November and taking back the House. Cooke is the 24th NewDem candidate added to the Red to Blue list, proving once again that the path to the House majority runs through the NewDems.

“NewDems will continue supporting candidates that can help return common sense, bipartisanship, and normalcy to Washington.”
