New Dem-Endorsed Candidates Avlon, Fox, Delaney Added to DCCC Red to Blue Program

New Dem-endorsed Candidates now make up 29 of the DCCC’s 33 red-to-blue challengers 

Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) announced the addition of three New Dem-endorsed candidates, John Avlon (NY-01), Whitney Fox (FL-13), and April Delaney (MD-06) to their Red to Blue program, which equips highly competitive Democratic candidates running to flip or keep critical seats blue with strategic guidance, fundraising support, and organizational resources. 

New Dems were proud to advocate for each of these candidates to be added to the DCCC program to ensure they have everything they need to get across the finish line in November.

New Democrat Coalition Action Fund Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) issued the following statement on the announcement:

“This year, New Dems endorsed John Avlon, Whitney Fox, and April Delaney because they all have the commonsense approach needed to flip or keep critical seats blue in November. Now armed with the game-changing resources of the Red to Blue program, they are  one step closer to winning their elections and helping Democrats take back the House  majority. 

“With today’s announcement, New Dems now make up 29 of the 33 challengers in the DCCC’s Red to Blue program. There’s no doubt these New Dem candidates have the best chance to oust extremist Republicans in swing districts across the country. With just 40 days until the election, it's never been clearer that the path to winning back the House runs through New Dems.”