NewDem-Endorsed Candidates Win Big in New York Primaries

John Avlon (NY-01) joins fellow New Yorkers Laura Gillen (NY-04), Mondaire Jones (NY-17) and Josh Riley (NY-19) as Democratic nominees for this November’s general election

Washington, D.C. — Last night, NewDem Action Fund-endorsed candidate John Avlon (NY-01) won his primary and will advance to the general election in November. With this victory, all four NewDem candidates in New York will fight to win back the House in November. NewDem candidates Laura Gillen (NY-04), Mondaire Jones (NY-17), and Josh Riley (NY-19) also advanced to their districts’ general elections as the Democratic nominees. 

“Coming into this election cycle, NewDems knew New York would be a crucial battleground in our effort to win back the House. With John, Mondaire, Laura, and Josh on the ticket, we’re more confident than ever that we’ll defeat far-right Republicans, bring commonsense back to Congress, and provide New Yorkers with the representation that they deserve.” said New Democrat Coalition Action Fund Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02). “These four candidates will now have the chance to flip critical seats from red to blue in November, riding the wave of support from voters in their districts and with the full support of the NewDem Action Fund. We look forward to getting them all across the finish line this fall.”
